Keeping Families Close

RMHC gives a family with a sick child what they need most — each other.

Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Richmond (RMHC Richmond) is an independent, non-profit chapter of Ronald McDonald House Charities. We provide a “home-away-from-home” for families with children receiving care at local area hospitals throughout the Richmond region. When a child is sick, the entire family needs comfort and support. We believe no family should have to deal with their child’s medical crisis alone.  RMHC Richmond eases the hardship that families caring for sick children often face, through programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children. Through our core programs Ronald McDonald House® and Ronald McDonald Family Room®, RMHC Richmond keeps families with sick children together and close to the medical care their child needs. At leading local hospitals, RMHC Richmond provides unique family-centered care and services through the Ronald McDonald House Sibling Center, Hospitality Cart and Lunches with Love programs. These programs ensure that every family whose child needs access to specialty care in RVA has world-class temporary housing and support services and the opportunity to be actively involved in their child’s care.

What Our Chapter Does

Keeping families with sick children close to each other and the care and resources they need.

Ronald McDonald House

Providing temporary housing for families with a child receiving medical treatment at any Richmond area hospital or medical facility.

RMHC Family Room Program

Our RMHC Family Room program serve families near pediatric units in hospitals, just a few footsteps away from their child’s hospital room.

RMHC Sibling Center

The center allows parents to focus on the care of the patient while the siblings engage in safe, age appropriate play and learning opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunities

RMHC Richmond serves hundreds of children and families each year - but we can’t do it without you, so we’re asking you to get involved.

Our Signature Events

Throughout the year RMHC Richmond hosts events to raise awareness and support for families of children receiving care in Richmond.

“Together, Hope is Closer” Capital Campaign

We are embarking on a transformative $40 million Capital Campaign to build our new Ronald McDonald House in historic Jackson Ward. This state-of-the-art, 50-room facility will meet the complex, ever-growing needs of families in medical crisis in the Greater Richmond area.

Check out all the details and discover how you can make an impact.

Latest Chapter News & Events

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